The Foundation for Sustainable Development awards the BRICS Prize for its exemplary role in achieving sustainable development goals

مؤسسة التنمية المستدامة تمنح “جائزة البريكس" لدورها النموذجي في تحقيق اهداف التنمية المستدامة

SDF is an independent non-governmental organization established in the capital city in 2015 to provide development, humanitarian and assistance support to the most vulnerable groups in Yemen.

Since 2003, we have been working as a team in voluntary and developmental processes. As a result of the extensive experience gained over time, we have established an independent institution, the Foundation for Sustainable Development, which is fully focused on the goals of sustainable development and humanitarian response and has seven offices in the various governorates officially registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour under licence No. (99).

Objectives of the Foundation for Sustainable Development:

Provide a safe environment for the most vulnerable in a human rights-based approach.
Strengthening the health system in society.
Contributing to food security and enhancing livelihoods.
Continued improvement of resource effectiveness and efficiency in line with professional standards.
Empowering young people economically and enhancing the role of women in society.

The education sector of the Sustainable Development Foundation aims to empower Yemeni children and refugees living in urban areas in Sana ' a and Sana ' a to increase their access to formal and non-formal education and community-based comprehensive protection mechanisms. The sector focuses on increasing the enrolment rate of Yemeni and refugee children in primary and secondary education. In this way, the Foundation is seeking active partnerships with the Ministry of Education and its provincial branches in order to increase children ' s access to school, increase their retention rates and prevent drop-out rates. Education is one of the key factors for the eradication of poverty and inequality and serves as a key to sustainable economic development. Children are therefore entitled to education and appropriate protection through services and assistance in targeted schools.

Water and environmental sanitation

Through its projects in the water and environmental sanitation sector, the Foundation is expanding its response and emergency interventions to ensure the sustainability of water and environmental sanitation services, including through the rehabilitation and operation of solar energy systems, the maintenance of dams and water barriers, as well as the construction of collective water tanks in areas where water sources are lacking and whose inhabitants are difficult to access, the construction of toilets and sewage systems in camps for displaced persons and the provision of water tanks, in order to contribute to reducing the increased risks to targeted communities such as water and sanitation-borne diseases. Women and children who transport water from remote areas are also at risk, as well as their leakage from education and other life-threatening conditions.

Food security and improved livelihoods

Through its livelihood promotion projects, the Foundation works to create emergency and sustainable employment opportunities for vulnerable groups through economic empowerment projects, which are among the most important means of eradicating unemployment, alleviating poverty and societal suffering, with the ultimate priority being one of the main factors in sustained economic growth.


Through its projects in the protection sector, the Foundation works to improve the lives of children, their families and their communities affected by disasters and wars and to contribute to their protection from the forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence in the context of an emergency through a series of preventive and curative interventions for the most vulnerable groups, in particular displaced persons and their host families. A plan and strategy for this sector have been drawn up in accordance with the strategic objectives of the child protection cluster in Yemen, including coordination, cooperation, capacity-building, resource mobilization, follow-up and evaluation.


Through its health sector projects, the Foundation provides primary, secondary and emergency health-care services in accordance with the criteria of the minimum health package, namely maternal and child health, reproductive health services and medical referral services, as well as medicines, medical supplies, medical equipment and operational expenses for targeted health facilities in order to ensure that life-saving health assistance and services reach health facilities of high quality in priority target areas.

Camp management and coordination

Through camp management coordination projects, the Foundation caters for the needs and protection of displaced persons at sites hosting displaced persons, returnees and host communities in priority areas. This is aimed at improving the situation of persons in sites hosting displaced persons and surrounding areas in a manner that preserves their dignity.

The Foundation for Sustainable Development was awarded the BRICS Prize for their exemplary role in raising awareness of the field contribution to the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.