“ONHYM” gives high priority to sustainable development and social responsibility

In line with the desires affirmed by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect him, all sectoral development projects are part of a sustainable development strategy that promotes the balance between environmental, economic and social dimensions.
Its goals are to improve the living conditions of citizens, strengthen sustainable management of natural resources, and promote environmentally friendly economic activities.
As part of its commitment to continuous improvement, ONHYM strictly adheres to the regulations applicable to its activities and develops performance standards in line with international best practices in the hydrocarbon and mining industry. In terms of hydrocarbon production, ONHYM indirectly contributes to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. In this regard, gas sales to its customers in the Masqala and Gharb regions make it possible to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by half that would have occurred if equivalent fuel oil had been used.
ONHYM has also converted all of its meskala generators to gas-powered units and continues to do so for the West. A carbon audit covering all facilities is being prepared.
Specific measures are currently being evaluated (reducing gas flaring, reducing the impact of lighting, removing materials from many processes, etc.). At the environmental level, ONHYM ensures the use of best environmental practices and, where appropriate, the restoration of sites in the event of damage.
Impact studies are systematically conducted before projects start with a well-defined process in place to validate and accept the results. In the mining sector, ONHYM subsidiaries and holding companies continued their social and community work this year in partnership with local communities around their production sites.
Environmental initiatives implemented by the National Office for Sanitary Water: Conducting environmental impact assessments for projects related to oil exploration and mining Concluding an agreement with the Moroccan start-up company Revialis specializing in the recovery of print cartridges Processing 1,117 kg or 948 used cartridges (863 toner cartridges, 77 toner cartridges and 8 ovens) By this company, which led to an increase of 103.10 kg of carbon. Applying waste management procedures within mining laboratories, which aims to establish management procedures for different types of waste generated by laboratories, especially solid, liquid and gaseous waste. Converting generators at oil and gas sites into working generators. With gas; An almost total reduction in the amounts of gas burned during the tests carried out using the Western Gas Network by injecting it into the gas pipeline. Installing low-energy lighting systems inside ONHYM. Installing solar water heaters in Rabat, construction sites and external bases. Inspection of gas pipelines and interventions to upgrade them in order to preserve their safety. Ensuring proper functioning. All equipment By providing preventive maintenance in relation to the mining sector, ONHYM affiliates, in particular the Société Anonyme Chérifienne d’Études Minières (SACEM), have implemented several social and environmental measures, such as starting sewer rehabilitation works in the Timket School continuing cooperation with the community Located on the banks of the river, and integrating the environmental dimension into its activities (beautification, green spaces, etc.).
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined as the responsibility of companies for the impacts they have on society. Being a key concern in its approach, ONHYM has developed a CSR strategy that mainly focuses on the following areas: 1. Identifying non-financial issues and mapping stakeholders 2. Adopting consultation practices and considering stakeholder expectations 3. Implementing risk management programs 4 Increase monitoring of safety principles 5. Social, community and especially environmental monitoring 6. Support innovation.