Government and GIZ launch the “green municipalities “project and sustainable communal energy plans

Government and GIZ launch the "green municipalities "project and sustainable communal energy plans

The Algerian-German energy cooperation has just resulted in a new project. Launched in, 2020, the “green municipalities” programme will support 34 Algerian municipalities in their efforts to develop renewable energies and use energy efficiency technologies.

The Ministry of the Interior, Local Government and Spatial Planning (MICLAT) and the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ) signed the contract for the implementation of the “green municipalities” project in 2020 in Algiers. Spreading out until 2023, this project will consist of the development of sustainable communal energy plans in four pilot communes, as well as the setting up of scoreboards for monitoring energy consumption in thirty pilot communes.

This project will result in a sustainable reduction in energy consumption in the pilot municipalities, improved energy management at municipal level, the extension of the results to the other municipalities in the country (nearly 1,500) and the creation of an incentive framework for the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency at municipal level. “Green Communes will contribute to the achievement of two Sustainable Development Goals (SDOs), namely SDO 7 aimed at guaranteeing access for all to clean energy at an affordable cost and SDO 11 aimed at achieving sustainable cities and towns,” says Ella Schieber, the resident director of the GIZ in Algeria.

The “green municipalities” project was born out of the Algerian-German energy cooperation, concluded Through this cooperation,

and one of the first fruits of this cooperation is Algeria’s first ever energy efficiency network, a platform made up of eight Algerian companies from the private and public sectors, whose missions are to advance the use of renewable energy resources and improve energy efficiency in industry.