Five Active Sustainable Development Projects in Tunisia

high unemployment, limited economic opportunity, corruption in government offices and escalating food prices, brought about a string of deadly riots across the North African nation of Tunisia. The Tunisian people ousted their President, Ben Ali, in a bloodless coup d’état, and a “national unity government” was installed in his place. This new government appointed Mocef Marzouki, a well-known Tunisian human rights activist, as interim president. there has been a slew of development initiatives that are being undertaken in Tunisia in an attempt to improve the lives of all citizens. The World Bank Group is currently funding 22 active development projects in Tunisia. Here are five which you should know about.
- Youth Economic Inclusion Project
The Youth Economic Inclusion Project is an initiative to increase and improve the economic opportunities presented to young, disadvantaged, Tunisians. This project is connecting young Tunisians with job opportunities, and providing assistance in transitioning from being a student, or unemployed, to the working world. Another component of this project is to make an effort to increase job creation in Tunisia.
- Road Transport Corridors Project
This project aims to improve the condition of roads connecting the more developed regions of Tunisia with the lesser developed areas. This project will shorten travel times and substantially improve the safety of road travel across the country. The Road Transport Corridors Project has focused on widening and repaving roads, repairing bridges, and installing more road safety equipment.
- Integrated Landscapes Management in Lagging Regions
The goal of the Integrated Landscapes Management in Lagging Legions Project is to improve the use of natural resources in the lesser developed northwest and western regions of the country. With a focus on sustainability, this project will improve the efficiency of land and natural resource use, as well as improve existing agricultural practices and infrastructure.
- Northern Tunis Wastewater Project
In the northern reaches of the city of Tunis, there is currently a lack of proper wastewater management infrastructure. This project pays special consideration to the environmental impacts of wastewater management and seeks to increase the amount and quality of treated wastewater available for use to farmers in regard to their agricultural activities.
- The National Network of Social Accountability
This project aims to bring Tunisia closer to becoming a developed nation through three main objectives. The first is to increase the availability and reliability of public information on government activity and expenditures. Second, there is an initiative to increase competition between businesses to expand the Tunisian economy. The last aspect of this development project in Tunisia is to focus on improving the quality and availability of healthcare for low-income Tunisians.
It is evident that these active development projects in Tunisia are working to ensure the improved livelihoods of citizens in various ways.